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2011-04-14 - 11:53 p.m.

Okay. So I probably could have finished my LAST FUCKING OUTLINE (Reagan ) before 1:00am but I got sidetracked when I remembered to search up "The Notebook Girls" (saw in Survey when Sammi.M had it for her essay research). I got distracted because I wasn't sure where "AT&T broken up" would go. Economic or social? But yea. Got off track at like 11:30? 11:25? It's 11:55 now. I probably could have done at least two events. Maybe three. I've been doing it fast today. I have a whole damn chapter to read. Fucking chapter 27 and the reading guide has freaking 47 questions. Ug when I look back I'm going to think I was a constantly cussing teen. But yea. 11:56pm now..have to work on it. UG no sleep tonight I guess but it's okay because I can just crash when I get home from school tomorrow since it's Friday..."Friday friday gotta get down on Friday" lol okayokay. OH report cards today.. OF COURSE A FREAKING B IN APUSH. I had like an 87%, the lowest B I've gotten as a quarter grade...That's because I didn't write the essay I think on my Lyndon B. Johnson outline so I got like a 66% on it and that lowered my fuck my life. And on like Wednesday we had a quiz on ch.26 and I got less than a damn 50%. FUCK FUCK FUCK

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